Links on increasing protein, mindful eating, creative uses for a cheese grater, kids lunches, and a review of Blue Apron to inspire healthy living.
Healthy Living Motivation
Links about picky eaters, hydration, team snacks, traffic light eating and meal planning to inspire healthier living!
Traffic Light Eating for Kids: Nutrition Even Preschoolers can Understand
Learn an easy way to teach traffic light eating (basic nutrition) to kids with my first video!
Healthy Living Monday Motivation
Links on non-food rewards, picky eater tips, an easy dinner recipe, and some spiritual inspiration.
6 Tips for Savvy Grocery Shoppers
Looking for some one-on-one help knowing what food to buy? Consider a grocery store tour!
Journey to a Healthier Life with Goal Setting
Tips on setting goals to achieve healthier living!
Portion Distortion
Are your eyes bigger than your stomach? Get portion control tips here. Plus a banana burrito recipe! #brainybreakfast
Healthy Living Monday Motivation
Links about eating and attitude toward food plus details on Healthy Kids, Happy Families Workshop sale!
Done Dieting? Do This Instead!
Tired of yo-yo dieting? Here is a simple, sustainable eating plan with a free printable.