Portion Distortion

Solutions to aid in portion control. Read now or pin for later. - Health Happens at Home

Did  you know that the our stomach is about the size of our fist? So we only need a fist sized amount of food at each meal and snack. Transitioning from three mega meals to small portions eating throughout the day (a.k.a. grazing) will increase metabolism and help our stomachs feel better. 

Portion control is a lifestyle choice. Lifestyle is one of the four pillars of health. You can learn more about the four pillars of health: Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, Nutrition here. The four pillars are also covered in each of the workshops I teach. Get details here. Ready to sign up? Check the sign up page or contact me.

Here are some solutions on increase satisfaction with the right amount of food:

  • Use smaller plates 
  • Avoid thinking you have to "clean your plate". Stop eating when you feel full or satisfied. (Yes there are starving children around the world, but you aren't feeding them by overeating. Click here for more information on feeding a hungry child)
  • If you struggle with overeating, plate your food in the kitchen an avoid putting bowls of food on the table. (At my house we plate our food from the pots and pans because bowls of food on the table creates more dishes to wash. #ihatewashingdishes)
  • Choose only Green Light Foods (fruits and vegetables) as snacks before meals.
  • Eat a variety of Green and Yellow Light foods to provide your body with the nutrients it needs. Variety is the spice of life! (If you need more information on Traffic Light Eating, check out this post and get the printable too!)
  • Listen to your own hunger cues and don't eat more food simply because it's offered.
  • Eat slowly. The brain and the body have a system that tells us when to stop eating but it takes a few minutes. So slow down.
  • Let children serve themselves. Studies show children who serve themselves tend to take less food than parents serve them.


Content in this post was adapted from L.E.A.N Start Workshops developed by the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. This was originally posted in the December Nutrition Nibbles Newsletter. Subscribe below and be the first to get new content. Connect with me on social media, too!

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Erin Marie