Aspartame: Why Sugar-Free Foods Could Cost You Your Health . Artificial sweeteners are one of the ingredients I tell my clients to stay away from. This post outlines some of the reasons to avoid the artificial sweetener aspartame.
"When we become obsessed with diet, it can lead to unhealthy behaviors." 5 Red Flags That Show You Are Taking Healthy Eating Too Far. Disordered eating is not my specialty, but it is good to be aware of the warning signs and seek help when you need it.
When you do need to make some healthy changes, goal setting is a good way to help keep you on track. Check out my latest post for details.
Ginger has numerous health benefits. Here is an interesting post detailing some of them. And here is an interesting way I plan to try to increase my own consumption of ginger.
Meal Planning Do's and Don'ts. I seriously loved this post! She perfectly articulated meal planning at my house. This is especially helpful for those on a budget!
So, what changes are you going to make this week to progress on your wellness journey? Share in the comments below.
Erin Marie
Links on weight loss, nutrition, sugar cravings and a curry recipe to inspire healthier living
Links to inspire healthier living. Get posts on ancient grains, fruit for weight loss, self-care and mocktails.
Links on foods to eat when really tired, mother-son date ideas, conversations starters for your kids, buckwheat, and granola recipe.
Links on yoga, personality types, gut microbiome, store bought snacks, and ancient grains to inspire healthier living.
Links on summer movement, late night snacking, grocery shopping, a mocktail recipe and benefits of reading aloud & audio books.
Links on nuts for health, treats for kids, stress, fitness apps, whole grains to inspire healthier living.
Links from around the web to inspire healthy living. Topics include weight loss, healthy eating tips from RD's, how to reduce portions and not go hungry and reducing sugar in yogurt.
Some links to resources around the web to inspire healthier living.
Some links on movement, coffee, self-care and more to inspire healthier living.
Some links on ketogenic diet, soap nuts, relationships for optimal health, salad dressings and whether calories matter to inspire healthier living.