You are what you eat: Nutrition for LEAN living

Get some nutrition basics to live lean. Read now or pin for later. - Health Happens at Home

Nutrition 101: as a dietitian there is so much I want to say! But I am going to try to narrow it down to a few essentials to get you started...

  1. Be mindful of the food you put into your body. Food fuels our bodies giving energy and nutrients to keep us healthy and help us perform our best. Mindful eating will increase satisfaction with meals and aid in portion control by learning to recognize your body's hunger signals.
  2. Eat nutrient dense foods. The easiest way to do this is to follow Traffic Light Eating.
    1. Go for green light fruits and vegetables. Eat a variety daily to pack a nutritious punch!
    2. Slow down but eat a variety of yellow light foods daily. Protein dense yellow light foods include lean meat, poultry, fish and eggs. Healthy fats can be found in yellow light olive oil, nuts and seeds. Yellow light foods also include fiber rich whole grains.
    3. Stop and think before eating red light foods. Make a mindful choice to enjoy on occasion, or pick a more nutritious option. These food are higher in fat and calories and often contain added sugars, artificial colors/flavors, and preservatives. 
  3. Avoid portion distortion. Portion size does matter. Your stomach is only about the size of your fist, so you should not be eating much more that that at a time. Graze, don't gorge to keep blood sugars steady. Get some portion distortion solutions here.
  4. Eat breakfast and one with protein. Studies have shown those who eat breakfast perform better at school and work. Protein containing breakfasts aid in blood sugar control improving mood and behavior. Breakfast eaters also tend to control their weight better. Get some boxed cereal choices with protein here. And here is a nutrient dense smooth recipe. Frittata also packs protein!
  5. Read food labels. Know what you are eating. Get some grocery shopping and label reading tips here.
  6. Meal plan. Not only does this save the budget but it helps you be intentional in your nutrition choices. There are tips all over the web on meal planning. I post my families monthly meal plan to inspire you. Check them out here.

Let me know what you nutrition goal you have this week in the comments below.

Remember that Health Happens at Home,

Erin Marie

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Posted on July 29, 2016 and filed under Nutrition Nibbles, Nutrition.