We try to make Christmas and Easter a big deal around our house. And I say try, because despite my best efforts, our life is busy and I rarely accomplish all that I intend. Can you relate?
At Christmas we love doing Truth in the Tinsel, and the author Amanda also has an eBook focusing on Easter experiences, but so far (2 years running) I've struggled to make time to complete the activities (although they are really good!). So this year we are doing Resurrection Eggs for the first time, because Mommy doesn't have to prepare anything before hand along with a couple crafts. I've had the house decorated since after Valentines day, but Easter being so early has thrown me off my game... there is always next year, right?
I did break out the Resurrection play set that I put together last year. The kids are having a blast with it, and if they tear it up, they can make a new one next year.
Anyway, I thought I'd share about our Easter plans in case you need some last minute ideas too!
On Easter morning we get to eat donuts that form the tomb and stone rolled away. As you might imagine, we rarely have donuts in the house, so kids really love this special Red Light food treat and I love the story it tells!
Not quite as elaborate as the Pinterest inspiration but my kids don't know the difference. They love it!
Our kids also get Easter gifts (not really in a basket). Here is what they are getting this year:
- Educational toys, workbook, mechanical pencils, and cork board for tacks/rubberbands (Toys include: Food puzzle and play set, Root Viewer growing set, Pop bottle science)
- Toys to encourage outdoor play (jump rope, Velcro Toss and Catch Game, Water balls, Skip Along)
- Carrot "eggs" with: character band-aids, stickers, erasers for white boards
- Hair accessories (girls) or socks (boy)
- A magnetic frame for their picture
- Cookie/sandwich cutter (big kids) or bubble blower (little kid)
And we will go to church on Easter morning to really celebrate the true reason for Easter!
How are you celebrating the resurrection? What gifts do your kids get? Share in the comments below.
Erin Marie
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Some links on ketogenic diet, soap nuts, relationships for optimal health, salad dressings and whether calories matter to inspire healthier living.