Some links on ketogenic diet, soap nuts, relationships for optimal health, salad dressings and whether calories matter to inspire healthier living.
Healthy Living Motivation
Links on weight loss, nutrition, sugar cravings and a curry recipe to inspire healthier living
Banana Bread
A simple banana bread recipe sure to become a family favorite.
Tuna Curry
Tuna Curry Recipe. #thereciperedux Read now or pin for later - Health Happens at Home.
The Case for Cardamom
The case for cardamom. Find out more about benefits of this spice and ways to eat more.
Healthy Living Motivation
Links to inspire healthier living. Get posts on ancient grains, fruit for weight loss, self-care and mocktails.
Power Greens Salad with Maple Dressing
Power Greens Salad with Maple Dressing.
Chicken or Turkey Salad without Mayo
Get a delicious recipe to use up Thanksgiving Turkey in turkey/chicken salad featuring cranberries and no mayo.
Summing Up Sorghum
Summing up the ancient grain sorghum.
Turmeric Miso Vegetable Soup
Immune Boosting Turmeric Miso Vegetable Soup recipe. #thereciperedux Read now or pin for later. - Health Happens at Home