Three ways of connecting with a cooking class and my review of Stuarto's Cooking class in Lexington.
How Moth Infestation Led to Pantry Organization
How I tackled a moth infestation in my pantry and used the occasion of organize pantry.
Hydration for Health: 6 Reasons to Drink Water and Strategies to Help you Hydrate
6 Reasons to Drink Water and Strategies to Help you Hydrate. Includes instructions for making infused water!
Healthy Living Monday Motivation
Some links from around the web to inspire healthy living in your family.
Boxed Cereals That Pass the Test
Boxed breakfast cereals that pass the 3-6-3 test (3 grams fiber, less than 6 grams sugar, 3 grams protein).
Let's Eat - Menu Plan August 2015
Easy, fast, healthy family meal ideas. Also a list of family play ideas to get your family moving together!
Healthy Living Monday Motivation
Healthy Living Monday Motivation. Links from around the web to inspire healthy living and advance your wellness journey.